Psychology of Online Dating

Psychology of online dating

Inspite of the widespread use of online dating software, the psychological aspects of employing these products and services remain primarily unexplored. This kind of review aims to examine troublesome use of online dating services by (i) determining use and motivations, (ii) assessing users’ personality correlates, (iii) outlining negative correlates of use, (iv) examining sex and energetic behaviour, and (v) discovering substance work with and behavioural harmful habits in relation to on the web dating.

The Social Reimbursement Hypothesis:

The social settlement hypothesis suggests that thai mail order bride individuals who encounter challenges in their relationships with others go towards and benefit from internet dating. This can be seen as an form of interpersonal compensation, which can be due to the fact that online dating provides people who have a safe and secure environment in which they can go to town without the fear of rejection.

Preference pertaining to Similarity:

Interestingly, online dating users prefer to night out persons they have a commonality with. This could be seen in research by Fiore and Donath (2005) who inspected data by 65, 1000 internet dating users. They found that participants who have believed these folks were similar to the date maintained to acquire better relationship outcomes than patients who did not.


Another drawback of online dating certainly is the possibility of ghosting. That is a situation exactly where one spouse ceases responding to the other, would not show up, or otherwise reacts in a fashion which is viewed as unacceptable by other person. This can trigger serious challenges for the other party and can lead to mental health concerns such as despair.

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